Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Seriously...a Japanese game show?

There is a show called "I Survived A Japanese Game Show". This must top the list of most stupid things I have EVER seen. They dress these people as cheese, penguins, mice....etc and make them do things that make them look like idiots. Ugh.

Lauryn hasn't done anything too crazy lately. Except that she discovered that she can have an attitude. Her favorite word is "No" or "Huh Uh". All she wants to eat is yogurt or I have too threaten her with time out to get her to eat real food. It works. Well...I figured I'd better post something since I want to get back into the habit of blogging regularly.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Surprises...and more surprises!!

(It seems like every blog is going to start like this): it's been a while since my last post! Anyways, here goes....
My husband, Mike, turned 30 on May 23rd. I figured that since 30 is sort of a big birthday, like 16, 18 or 21 I should do something fun for him. First, we (his mom and I) planned a surprise party for him the weekend before his birthday.
That was funny...he thought my parents came in from CO to visit to take him to dinner for his birthday because they couldn't be there for his actual birthday. all reality, they just came in for the surprise party. So, Mike is all ready to go to Tucanos and we had plans to "stop at his mom's to set up an umbrella in the backyard" real quick before dinner. That was surprise #1, the party was there at her house. He (and all of us) had a really good time.

The next surprise was the big one. I planned a surprise trip to San Diego. He thought that on May 22 (the day before his birthday) that we'd get Lauryn from daycare and go to lunch just the 3 of us. I had other plans...ha ha ha. We had a plane tickets for a flight at 1:50pm on May 22. So, I "picked him up for lunch" and I said "Did you see that card that was on the seat?" and he goes "Yes." So I said, "Open it" and he did. I had our boarding passes in the card and he goes "Yeah right." so I go "Yeah right what?" he said "Yeah right we're going to San Diego" and I said "We are. Right now". He freaked out. But after the initial shock, he was really excited and happy. So, here we are in San Diego. We are having a great time!! Yay for 30th birthday's!

Friday, March 6, 2009

So, as usual, it's been a while since my last post. Anyways...since then, Lauryn turned TWO! Holy cow, time flies way too fast. Mike and I took her birthday off and took her to get her 2 year old pictures, Chuck E. Cheese's and Build-A-Bear. She had a great time. Mike won her 700 tickets at Chuck E. Cheese's (yeah, it is kind of cheating to let her dad do it, but come on, she's only 2!) and she got a bunch of junk that she thinks is great treasure for them. I think she got 2 sheets of stickers, a pink glittery comb, a princess bracelet and ring and some yellow star glasses. And at Build-A-Bear..forget it!!!!! She was too into all the stuff to care much about her own bear. She wanted the bear before it was stuffed. Once the lady stuffed it, she wasn't too interested.
All that day she kept saying "Two! Two! Two!". She totally knew she was two and wanted to make sure we were reminded every few minutes. She is growing up super quick, but it's fun to watch her grow up more and more each day.
On the 28th (Uncle Bill's birthday) we had a party for her at Uncle Bill and Auntie Connie's house. That was a fun party. The theme was Dora and we had a cupcake cake and party hats! She had so much fun. And she got a TON of toys. I had to go through all of her current toys and figure out what's going to Auntie Connies and what's going to Grandma's. I can't say what her favorite new toy is, she seems to really like them all. She is into the Barbie's quite a bit...the Sea World Trainer Barbie she got and the Sleeping Beauty Barbie. She also got 2 princess carriages (Dora and Little People) which she also likes alot! Oh and her Dora cell phone.....I could go on for days.

Well, that is the update for now. Hopefully I'll write in here more often than I have been!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training...Pt II

For anyone who isn't a parent, this isn't exciting, and probably TMI. However, today again, Lauryn decided that it was time to use the potty! She told me "Pah" and pointed at her butt, so I said "You have to go potty?" and she told me "yes". At first I almost ignored her request to be taken to the bathroom because all weekend she kept telling me that she had to go and I'd take her to the potty and she would just sit there, clap and then want a treat. I had to explain to her that she doesn't get a treat for just sitting there, she has to go to get a treat. So today, when she wanted to go I took my time getting her because I figured it would be the same thing. BUT, when we go to the potty she actually went! It was exciting. Mike and I clapped and made a big deal out of it. Then, about 1 or 2 minutes later, she wanted to go again. So Mike and I kind of laughed about it thinking she just wanted to be clapped for again and receive a treat. But I took her and she went #2 (I warned you that this might be TMI...)! She was SO excited and so were we. She got to wear a Dora pull-up (which at the age of 23 months is a VERY exciting thing) and she got like 5 jelly beans.

We haven't totally been activley potty training her, but I know she's ready because she hates being wet and she LOVES to sit on the potty. It's kind of funny actually. I had to just chill in the bathroom with her earlier because she just wanted to sit on the toilet. Ha ha....


Friday, January 9, 2009

The time has come...

To retire the Bock. For those of you that don't know, Lauryn calls her pacifier a bock. I don't know where it came from but that's what she calls it! became apparent recently that we need to get rid of it. We should have a long time ago considering that she will be two in February, but we have let her have it at bed and nap times and occationally during the day.

The other night she had one in my car and was sucking on it. She got super quiet, which everyone knows is never a good sign. Mike was driving and he turned to see her and she had her pacifier in her hand but the rubber part was all chewed to pieces. At first we thought she ate and swollowed the other parts that were chewed off but thankfully
Mike found them in the back seat next to her.
So my decision is made, Lauryn will no longer have a bock.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training

Well, Lauryn is now almost 2 (she's 22 months to be exact). The question lately that I've asked myself is 'Is it too soon to start potty training?'. It has become apparent in the past month or 3 weeks or so that no, it's not too soon. But I can tell it won't be easy, although, no one ever said it would be.
I bought Lauryn some Dora pull-ups, I figured the Dora picture on the front would be motivation for her. And it is...sort of. Usually, lately, if I can tell she's going potty in her diaper, I tell her we need to go on the potty and rush her there so she'll go in the toilet. Then if she does, she gets a HUGE applause and a candy. I figure, positive reinforcement is the way to go, right?? :)
Well, New Year's Day, she tells me "butt.". I was like "butt?" Then I realized!!! "Do you need to go potty?" and she said "yes.". I took her to the potty and she went! This is the first time she has ever actually TOLD me she had to go, BEFORE she went. I was so excited. She got to wear a Dora pull-up and she got a piece of candy.
The only problem I've had with the Dora pull-ups is that she won't leave her pants on, she wants to take them off to see Dora. Ha ha. Oh well....
And so begins the adventures in potty training at the Machuzak home....Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas and New Years

I know I said I'd keep up with this blog...I haven't been the best at it, but I'm trying. Ok? :)

I can't believe 2008 has already come and gone. The year flew by. However, I'm left wondering where it went. Crazy how time flies. Lauryn is already almost 2 years old. She is growing fast and she thinks she's 16.

Christmas this year was fun with her. Last year was fun, but she didn't quite grasp the concept of presents....this year though, we had to watch her ever second she was near the tree. If not, she'd be over there opening whatever she could get her little hands on. By Christmas morning, she was ready (with practice even) to dig into her gifts. The toys she was very interested in and would get side tracked with each one, she wanted to open it and play with it immediately. Clothes, she'd kind of open and toss to the side as if she wasn't at all interested in them. And she probably wasn't, but she got a lot of cute outfits that I can't wait to put her in. That is part of the fun of this age...she has no say in what I make her wear. It's my way for now and I like it that way. :)

Lauryn and I both got vehicles this year. She got a Dora the Explorer 4 Wheeler and I got a 2009 Acura TSX. Yes...Mike got me a car. I was totally surprised. We had talked about getting a new car this summer or sometime later this year. But Christmas morning, our friend Kate and her husband show up and Mike herds us all outside and there it was....a Pearl White car with a big bow. Wow. I love it.

New Years is never a big deal for us. It should be though, it's the anniversary of when we got engaged. But we never do anything big. Never go to any parties. And this year, Mike was working at Smith's til 9. So, Tabitha and Ethan (my friend and Lauryn's little boyfriend) came over and ate pizza and watched TV and hung out. It was fun. We had a couple drinks and just chilled out. Mike got home a little after 9, the kids were in bed so the 3 of us just sat around talking and watching Dick Clark's countdown thing. I was, of course, in bed before 12. Not much before, but I can never seem to make it to watch the stupid ball drop. Oh well. I woke up and it was 2009. It's hard to imagine where a new year will take you...I know this year will be another one full of memories for us though. Lauryn turns 2, Mike turns 30 (ha ha...30!!!)...just those 2 things alone will create happy memories I'm sure. And we'll travel to CO to see my parents, and possibly take another vacation (hopefully).